Child Care

If you are working and have young children, you may need to make arrangements for child care. In Canada, most families do not leave children under the age of 12 at home alone.

There are two basic kinds of child care in Ontario: licensed and unlicensed. Caregivers can look after up to five unrelated children under the age of 10 without needing a license.

Licensed Child Care

Licensed child care programs are for infants, toddlers, pre-school and school-aged children. The child care programs must meet certain standards set out by the Government of Ontario. These standards make sure that children are healthy, safe and properly cared for.

Financial Support for Child Care

Every centre- and home-based child care provider is responsible for setting their own fees. You may be eligible for financial support to help you pay for child care.

Ontario Child Benefit

The Ontario Child Benefit (OCB) helps working and non-working families with low-to-moderate income to provide for their children. Depending on your family income, you may qualify for OCB if you are the primary caregiver of a child under 18, are a resident of Ontario, have filed your previous year’s income tax return, and have registered your child for the Federal Canada Child Tax Benefit. There is no application needed for the OCB. For more information about the Ontario Child Benefit, click on the following website:

Universal Child Care Benefit

The Government of Canada’s Universal Child Benefit also helps Canadian families pay for child care costs. You can apply if you have a child under the age of 6. For more information on how to apply, please visit the following website:

Ontario child care subsidy

You can apply for the Ontario child care subsidy if your child is under 13 years old and in a licensed child care program. The amount you pay for child care will depend on your family’s net income.